I have spent a lot of time in the film industry but my absolute passion is casting talent that thrive in their craft. I’ve seen many people come into this industry new to acting and now they are lead characters in feature films and TV shows. Casting excellent talent is a pleasure and passion of mine.
Business Of Acting - Casting Director

My Story

I started casting back in 2009 for films, commercials, industrials and print, but over the years, the way we cast, has evolved with the advancement of technology from live casting sessions to self-tape submissions. Altogether, this is a great benefit to production companies, talent and the efficiency of the overall casting process.

Apart from knowing the casting side as a freelance casting director I have worked for multiple Talent agencies and have also been crew on various productions. I am often invited to many of the productions that I cast talent on. Together, this has given me a deep knowledge on all sides of the film and acting business.

I am a great lover of education and spent more than $25k in the last couple of years taking independent online courses teaching myself new skills so I am the best business women I can be. This is on top of being a 4.0 GPA honors college student in Film Production. I take education very seriously. Life is about learning and improving. I also love to see others truly invest in themselves, developing their talents to be the best version of them. It certainly makes the casting process much easier.

I’ve taught workshops and webinars. I actively network and build relationships and love to be onset when my schedule allows. Film is a great passion of mine. To me it’s all about creating masterpieces for the masses to see using the talents of many experts.

There is a lot to navigate when it comes to starting a career in on-screen acting (much more than just acting techniques).

This is the stuff I wish all new actors knew. So, with that in mind, and with the many requests from actors I have finally put everything together in a comprehensive step by step course to benefit all. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of business courses like this and you won’t get anything like the content I share in the business course for actors. No more waiting for the next live workshop…although those are great too!

Creating this course has been a major feat for me because I’ve had to juggle multiple castings at the same time, manage businesses, a family of 5 kids, and all that life has thrown at me in between. My schedule has been insanely busy but this is important. Other than my years of experience, I’ve spent months seriously developing this education because I see that talent want and need it. There is so much to share and quite frankly if more talent knew about this stuff they would most likely improve their business ethics, online presence and skills to book more jobs. I decided to create this course because I want talent to learn, grow and understand this industry quickly to help them excel and speed up their career successes. I don’t know how many times I’ve looked at an actors profile thinking ‘wow they have a great look!’ only to find a mostly empty profile that I can’t send to the client.

There are so many moving parts and it’s really not an industry you can go into blindly. You need to know your stuff and understand why you are doing the things you do. The course is to help you present yourself as a knowledgeable acting professional, and to set up, maintain and grow your business the proper way. I want you to succeed and the film industry expects great things from you. Always step up to impress, it will give you greater opportunites and rewards.

Thank you for taking the effort to excel as an actor!